The idea of living well is infused through the 网赌平台网站 dining experience. 当你走进我们的餐厅, 你会在我们的本地食材中看到它, 我们新鲜可口的菜单, 我们对即食食品的重视, 以及我们友好和个性化的服务.

餐厅的位置 & 小时 (2024年春季)


欧式早餐:   早上7点半到8点,10点到10点半
早餐:     上午8时至10时                   

午餐:            下午11时至2时                                 
清淡的午餐:   下午2点到3点半             
(沙拉、烧烤、Villa Toscana)
D内部:        下午4:30到7点


晚餐:     下午四点半到六点半 


Retail meal prices for “all you can eat dining” at the 汉密尔顿咖啡馆:

早午餐: $10.00
晚餐: $10.50

野猪头熟食店 & 便利店商品

星期一至星期四 小时:  早上8点到晚上8点 

周五的时间:   早上8点到下午5点



妈妈G的面包店 & 四风咖啡

星期一至五办公时间:  上午九点半到下午三点

周六:   上午8时至下午12时


** Chick-fil-A sandwiches are served in Boar’s Head on Fridays at noon, while supplies last!

Chick-fil-A available Fridays at noon at NCF Boar's Head Deli In Hamilton Center

Research from the University of 牛津大学 confirms that mealtime is much more than sustenance for the body. 事实上, “New research from the University of 牛津大学 has revealed that the more often people eat with others, the more likely they are to feel happy and satisfied with their lives. 数据来自The Big 午餐的一项全国性调查, the researchers looked at the link between social eating and an individual’s happiness, 他们有多少朋友, 他们与社区的联系, 以及对生活的总体满意度. The results suggest that communal eating increases social bonding and feelings of well being, and enhances one’s sense of contentedness and embedding within the community.”

New College is designated by state law as a residential liberal arts honors college. 像这样, college regulations require students to live on campus for the first two years of attendance.  学生 are strongly encouraged to continue to reside on campus during all four years while attending the college to maximize the New College experience. 

Living away from home for the first time is an exciting opportunity in any student’s life. The experience is filled with opportunities for growth and development. Just as learning to live with roommates and engaging with them in late night conversations about life promotes personal growth, conversations around the lunch and dinner table become a huge part of the social experience and growth during the college experience. 

While taking meals on campus may seem inconvenient at times to students who are granted exemptions from the residency requirement, 膳食是网赌平台网站体验的重要组成部分. Many alumni comment about how fondly they look back on mealtime as some of their most memorable times at New College. Participating in the meal plan is designed to encourage eating meals with fellow students and is required of all our students during their time at New College, except during the January ISP where off campus and fourth year students are exempt. The College works diligently to provide tremendous value to our students for the cost of the meal plan while providing myriad options for nutritious and delicious meals.


  1. 牛津大学
  2.  法定声明
  3. 居住要求
  4. 膳食计划政策


Our Dining Culinary Management team is proud to bring New College the best on-campus food program with a variety of tastes that are sure to please, 我们的目标是为你创造一个优越的程序!


Dining concepts that reflect your tastes including ethnic foods with authentic flavors, 也不含谷蛋白, 每天都有素食和纯素选择.
可持续发展的, 本地蔬菜, 水果, 鸡蛋, 面包和烘焙食品, and poultry and livestock products within a 150-mile radius of your location.
Flexible dining hours along with competitive purchasing options that meet your busy schedule and needs.
Seasonal promotions, plus fun contests and giveaways throughout the year.


给你的账户增加弹性美元, 登录到myNCF门户, 然后选择NewCLEIS帐户, 然后选择查看或支付账单, 然后选择付款.  最后,选择膳食计划添加弹性美元

居民基本 -所有你喜欢吃的饮食计划

  • 每次刷卡无限制用餐!
  • 每周19顿饭
  • $200 Flex美元
  • 适用于住宿和通勤学生
  • 最好的价值!
秋季学期 $1910.00 春季学期 $1910.00
居民黄金-所有你喜欢吃的膳食计划,$2,110.00 /学期

  • 每次刷卡无限制用餐!
  • 每周19顿饭
  • $400 Flex $
  • 适用于住宿和通勤学生
  • 最好增加弹性!
秋季学期 $2110.00 春季学期 $2110.00

请注意:  Residential students are automatically signed up for on‐campus housing and the Base All You Care to Eat Meal Plan.   

住宅的学生 – $535.00
  • 为基础和黄金计划
  • 一日两餐:1月22天的早午餐和晚餐
  • 为佩尔助学金学生提供一次性膳食奖学金
  • 每个计划包括$100弹性
通勤 学生 – $300.00
  • 所有弹性美元

注意:  First‐year and returning residential students are automatically signed up for on‐campus housing and the base “All You Care to Eat Meal Plan”.   学生 who are approved to live off‐campus will be automatically signed up for the 通勤 Meal Plan option


  1. 每学期500美元
  2. 每学期750美元
  3. 每学期1000美元

所有这些都包括300美元的独立学习费用。. (仅限Flex美元,不使用刷卡)


  • 早餐 $7.00
  • 午餐 $10.00
  • 晚餐 $10.50

请注意此膳食计划不适用于住宿学生.  学生 who are approved to live off‐campus will be automatically signed up for the 通勤 Meal Plan option.



给你的账户增加弹性美元, 登录到myNCF门户, 然后选择NewCLEIS帐户, 然后选择查看或支付账单, 然后选择付款.  最后,选择膳食计划添加弹性美元.


  1. $82.50 10块平面图 *销售税已包含在价格中(10餐刷卡82美元).50)
  2. $200.00为 25块平面图 *价格中包含销售税(25餐刷200美元).00)
  3. $350.00为 50块平面图 *价格中包含销售税(50餐刷350美元).00)

The block plan includes an “All You Care to Eat” meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Each meal swipe allows you to visit any or all serving stations as many times as you like.  Once you purchase a plan your swipe count is loaded onto your NCF ID card. 它们不会过期,也不会年复一年地展期. Each meal swipe into the Hamilton Dining Hall will be deducted from your block plan. Once all of your swipes are used you can revisit this site to purchase another plan. By utilizing a Block Plan versus cash, you will save each time you dine with us.

** You can purchase the faculty and staff meal plans by signing in to the myNCF portal and going to Campus 资源 and selecting 午餐 at Hamilton.

所有你可以吃的饭的价格 汉密尔顿咖啡馆:

  • 早餐 $7.00
  • 午餐 $10.00
  • 晚餐 $10.50


学生 may require residential and/or meal plan accommodations in order to fully participate in campus life. 膳食计划住宿是根据具体情况而定的 必须在学期的第三周之前提交吗 if the accommodation is to be in effect for that semester and going forward.  

学生应先填写一份表格 在线表单 关于他们特定的饮食需求.  餐厅, 营养, and 可访问性 (DNA) committee will review requests with the focus on accommodating the student’s dietary needs.  A committee member will respond to your request within five business days.   (请注意:  Medical documentation that verifies a disability and includes specific dietary restrictions that relate to the student’s disability, may be required in order to determine eligibility for an accommodation)  



Need assistance with special dietary needs, or have questions about the meal plan or dining options? 托丽·布劳恩,R.D.,我们的食品和营养服务部主任会来帮忙.

 如果你想和托丽约个时间, 请把你的姓名和电话号码发邮件给她, 和可用性.  


**Please provide us feedback on how we can better serve you by navigating to our 问题和评论页面.